(2021) 4 Video Channels Installation

The work was developed within the framework of the exhibition "White distance", an exhibition under the MAP- Month of Art practice program organized by Heritage Space in collaboration with Goethe institute

My parents are of the post-war emigrants generation. In the 90s, I remember my father used to take pictures of us with a big cameroder and record it all on a VHS tape then send it back to Vietnam for my grandparents. At that time, in my childhood memories, those tapes were of paternal and maternal aunts and uncles, it was a part of connecting me with my homeland, where I had never been. Once back in Vietnam, I accidentally found a warehouse full of tapes with my father's handwritten notes on it at my grandmother's house. My grandma even kept our favorite Tom & Jerry series tape. Every time it was on TV, my dad would record it all into one tape, so I had the best Tom & Jerry collection of all time. I almost forgot how excited I was.

"Fifth Nocturne Op.52" centered video installation reflecting on time and memory in which there is the distance between generations, the gap between truth and ambiguous. The work employs VHS footage though optical printing and editing, and uses them as a canvas for a painting. They are shown as the background to the image fragmentation. These overlapping movements appear as a dialogue between the past and present.

About the work: https://the-white-distance.art/artists

Information related to the work: https://www.goethe.de/ins/vn/de/ver.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&event_id=22028331

